Japanese page is here.

The page about MSX (temporary)

I do not get off with poorness. Because though I worked properly soon, I do it...

One Chip MSX 2006.7.30

On July 23, 2006, a trial product of a mass production type of one chip MSX was exhibited at a place of a meeting of MSX users.

This is the photograph which I photographed then.


On Sunday, May 8, 2005, it was held inAkihabara Convention Hall of Tokyo / Akihabara and I met a guest more than 1,000 and was finished in the large prosperity.

The people who arrived, thank you.


On Sunday, May 8, 2005, it is held in Akihabara Convention Hall of Tokyo / Akihabara.

This site plans exhibitions such as MSX VIEWer as "MSX assets succession project", too.

 The details look at this.  (in Japanese only)

MSX WORLD 2005 May 8,2005 Akihabara Convention Hall, No charge for admission

MSX VIEWer 1.10 ---->Screen Shot

[25 Dec 2005] I showed version 1.10 official version.

It is software for Windows98/2000 to read a list of BASIC which you stored in MSX BASIC.

 An introduction / a download of version 1.10 (a version public on December 25, 2005) 
This application is build for JAPANESE environment.

This file performs a virus check in a virusbuster of Trend Micro Corporation (pattern 3.125.00) and confirms that I am not contagious.

[Differences with version 1.00]
When I appointed directory name / a file name including 1byte space(&H20), I revised the malfunction that did not open a file definitely.
When I appointed plural files, I revised the malfunction that did not open a file definitely.
I unified functions of humble work "MSXCG".
In comparison with MSXCG version1.00, I improved algorithm of palette conversion and got possible to display it to an actual machine soon more.
A clipboard got possible to copy the image which you read.
When you carried it out in environment except Japanese, It becames English notation automatically.

It is a self-development type practice form. It is Read Me in readme.txt archiving. (in Japanese)

I hear thawing directory when I carry it out. A directory named "MSXVIEWer" is made in a place same as an execute file when I click the OK button as a default, and an installer starts.

An installation guide (A PDF file) (in Japanese)
It is the thing which I made for version 1.00, but has installation of version 1.10 use it.

[Old versions]
 1.00 (a version public on May 20, 2004) version MSXVIEWer100.exe 

  English version (November 2, 2004) MSXVIEWerEN.exe (Only as for the execute file)

Sample CG data for 1.1 MSX VIEWer 1.1-beta / MSXCG

I made these data in "BMP to MSX" of Mr.HRA!.
MSXCG 1.00 ---->Screen Shot

It is a tool to watch an image done BSAVE of in MSX BASIC.
It supports SCREEN 5,6,7,8,10,11,12 (only as for 10,11,12, Windows version).
I can convert it into bitmap file.
There are DOS/V version and Windows95 version.

 An introduction / a download 

News Maker 1.10 ---->Screen Shot

News Maker is application compatible with 'Topics Makeing*1 System 1.2' for MSX BASIC by T-Kun.
Two editions for MS-DOS and Windows95 are available.

*1 The gerund of 'make' is 'making', but I follow the original title.

Introduction and Download


 MSX2 boot screen Flash 
It's more real on full screen ----> THIS (close by Alt+F4)

MSX is a trademark of the  MSX Association .

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